So just dealing with the loading time, especially when it's just loading a few extra files, is okay with me. The textures are found in the ClientFullBuild6, ClientFullBuild7 & ClientFullBuild8 packages. (the instructions were missing on the site too, so I gave up cuz this didn't seem too computer safe) Sun 11:53 pm. Not sure where to put this, but the misc chatterbox seems like an okay place. This might be helpful if you want to create your own body skins. : 2 years, 4 million+ downloads ChainReaction. This might be helpful if you want to create your own body skins. This is a list of, as far as we know, all the body textures used in the default body skins. Lots of clicking and waiting, versus just a wait and maybe a few clicks to select your file. This is a list of, as far as we know, all the body textures used in the default body skins. The load time is quick as is, actually- the main problem is that we have to select a neighborhood, have it load up our family, go to 'edit town' (or go to editsim if we have awesomemod) and, even when we get there, if we change the package and click on the clothing again, it freezes the game and we start over. Replicating a texture map as viewed in the game to hang on the mesh looks like a real challenge without using the game engine itself.Īnd if you have to use the game engine, you are back to the same load time issue you started with.
Instead of the two-layer skin/cloth used on Sims 2, there are the patterns, the alpha, the bumpmaps and so on. I have a previewer I made that works for Sims 2 (and Spore), based on the Ogre rendering package, that I thought about adapting for TS3, but the materials are really a challenge.